Chapter One: About Maxi Laines Boutique

Blogs are a great way to show the personable side of my little business. It gives me the chance to take a breath and reflect on all the accomplishments and future goals. But, first, I want to introduce myself, my boutique, and the meaning behind it. My name is Melissa, a native to Kansas City, but a traveler at heart. I have two amazing kids and I’m married to my best friend. For years I’ve dreamed of this boutique adventure, but it never seemed like the right time. Then in January 2022 I came to the realization that I can’t define the right time and if I wanted my dream to become a reality I just needed to make the leap and let God carry be through. So, I did. I took the money I had in saving, the money my grandparent left behind from their passing, and I set down the road to figuring out how to turn these hours of countless research, dreaming and googling the same 10 phrases into a boutique. I started where most start and it was the name. I wanted something that symbolized love, hard work, success and meaning. When I placed all of those into my search I instantly thought of my grandmother, the woman who guided me through life, supported me through the darkest times and cheered me on no matter what. The woman who instilled in me what hard work meant and taught me to love without expectations and unconditionally. My grandmother, Maxine, was the center of my love, the woman who showed me that its quality over quantity and most importantly that love isn’t earned, its given without thought, it’s unconditional, and it’s a necessity to live life to the fullest. Both my daughter and I share her middle name in some form. Mine is Lorraine and my daughters is Laine, a shorter version of the one I share with my grandmother. So, upon thought, a short one at that, I knew that I had to use these two names to build my business around and it was then that the name Maxi Laine’s was born. A constant reminder of the greatest my grandmother gave me and the middle name to tie our generations together. The name radiates so much love in my heart every time I see it or I speak it. I’m proud of the two most important ladies to ever come into my life, my grandmother and my daughter, and now I get to speak their names daily and forever remember the bond we share. 

I love the name and I hope for anyone that reads this they will smile and instantly have a memory of a name that forever will be engraved in their heart for the amazing feeling they get to speak it and remember it. Most importantly, take this little story and reach out to those you love and tell them today. We may not have a large quantity of life but we can choose to make it the best quality. Today is an added quality to my memory bucket and I am so grateful I got to share it with y’all. I hope your day is as beautiful as you are.




Maxi Laines Boutique

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